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Sprejemni Center Gradina

Zavarovano območje (726 ha) se razprostira na površini treh občin goriške pokrajine: Doberdob, Tržič (Monfalcone) in Ronke (Ronchi dei Legionari). Rezervat je bil ustanovljen z deželnim zakonom št.42/1996, ki je posledica državnega zakona št.394/1991. Danes je območje vključeno v evropsko mrežo «Natura 2000».

Značilnost rezervata je prisotnost dveh kraških polj, na katerih se izoblikujeta dve jezeri. Vodni površini loči višji apnenčasti greben.

Kraško planoto sestavljajo apnenčaste prepustne kamnine in zaradi tega ni površinskega vodnega omrežja. Prisotnost jezer izoblikuje zato posebno okolje sredi brezvodne površine. Tukaj se razprostirajo sladkovodni ekosistemi, kar je na Krasu prava redkost. Prisotnost jezer povečuje biotsko raznolikost Rezervata. Steze znotraj rezervata vodijo obiskovalca skozi različne ambiente kakor so na primer habitati suhih predelov, travniki in kraške gmajne, kraške brazde in tudi vodno okolje.

Na Črnem hribu, ki se dviga severno od doberdobskega jezera, se nahaja Sprejemni Center Gradina. Tu lahko gost obišče muzej in odkrije s pomočjo interaktivnih sredstev zgodovino Krasa in njegovo naravoslovno bogastvo.

Center razpolaga z okrepčevalnico, gostilno in prenočišči (do 20 ljudi). Sprejemni center in Paludarij upravlja zadruga ROGOS, ki skrbi za poučne dejavnosti s šolami in z izletniškimi skupinami kakor tudi za promocijo znanstvene dejavnosti.


Link: www.riservanaturalegradina.com


Gradina Visitor Centre

The protected area with its 726 ha (1,794 acres) involves three municipalities of the Province of Gorizia: Doberdò del Lago - Doberdob, Monfalcone and Ronchi dei Legionari. 

The characteristic element of this reserve is the presence of two large karstic depressions  (polje) each with a lake and separated one from another by a range of limestone hills.

Given that the Karst is made up of limestone, an extremely permeable carbonate rock, the entire area lacks surface water bodies with water being confined to the subsoil. As a result the presence of the lakes contrasts stongly with the arid environments surrounding them and has allowed the development of ecosystems that are usually absent in the Karst and gives the protect area a high degree of biodiversity. Following the footpaths in the area offers the possibility to observe the transition from arid habitats such as the meadows of the landa carsica and the limestone pavements through to those of the wetlands that surround the lake.

On the hill above the lake of Doberdò is the Gradina Visitor Centre in the museum of which the visitor can, through an interactive display, take in the historical and ecological aspects of the reserve and the surrounding Karst .

The visitor centre also has a bar, a restaurant and a large guesthouse, that can sleep 20 people, managed (together with the Paludario) by the ROGOS Cooperative that also organizes educational activities with schools, guided visits and the dissemination of scientific information on the Reserve.



POT V DOL, 312


TEL/FAX 0481 784111
CELL 333 4056800
E-MAIL infogradina@libero.it 